Agile workflow

7 min read

How to use story points for agile estimation

Thu Jul 11 2024
Teagan Harbridge
Written by Teagan Harbridge, Customer Experience Manager

Story points can be a little confusing and are often misunderstood. Story points are an important part of user story mapping, and many agile teams use them when planning their work. But they aren't as simple as adding numbers to tasks or estimating how long a job will take.

Even if you’ve been using story points for a while, you’ll find that different teams and organizations will use them differently.

So, let’s define story points, discuss why they’re so useful for agile teams, and talk about some of the different ways teams implement them in story mapping and sprint planning.

What are user story points?

Story points are a useful unit of measurement in agile, and an important part of the user story mapping process. You assign a number to each user story to estimate the total effort required to bring a feature or function to life.

When to estimate story points

User stories can be estimated during user story mapping, backlog refinement, or during sprint planning.

Once a user story has been defined, mapped to the backbone, and prioritized, it's time to estimate the story points. It is a good idea to work with your team to do this, as each team member plays a different role in different stories, and knows the work involved in UX, design, development, testing, and launching. Collaborating on story point estimation will also help you spot dependencies early.

It is best to assign story points to each user story before you sequence them into releases or sprints. This allows you to assess the complexity, effort, and uncertainty of each user story in comparison to others on their backlog, and to make informed decisions about the work you decide to commit to each sprint or release.

How to estimate user story points

When estimating story points, you're looking at the total effort involved in making that feature or functionality live so that it can deliver value to the customer. Your team will need to discuss questions like:

  • How complex is the work?
  • How much work is needed?
  • What are the technical abilities of the team?
  • What are the risks?
  • What parts are we unsure about?
  • What do we need in place before we can start or finish?
  • What could go wrong?

Tip: If you're having trouble estimating a story or the scope of work is overwhelming, you might need to break your story down into smaller parts to make multiple user stories.

What is a story point worth?

This is where story points can get a little confusing, as story points don’t have a set universal value. You kind of have to figure out what they’re worth to you and your team (yep, real deep and meaningful stuff).

Here’s how it works:

  • Each story is assigned a certain number of story points
  • Points will mean different things to different teams or organizations
  • 1 story point for your team might not equal the same amount of effort involved in 1 story point for another team
  • The amount of effort involved in 1 story point should remain stable for your team each sprint and it should remain stable from one story to another
  • 2 story points should equal double the effort compared to 1 story point
  • 3 story points should equal triple the effort compared to 1 story point… and so on

The number you assign doesn't matter - what matters is the ratio. The story points should help you demonstrate relative effort between each story and each sprint.

Estimating story points for the first time

Because story points are relative, you need to give yourself some baseline estimates for the first time you do story point estimation. This will give you a frame of reference for all future stories.

Start by choosing stories of several different sizes:

  • One very small story
  • One medium sized story
  • One big story

...a bit like t-shirt sizes.

Then assign points to each of these baseline stories. Your smallest story might be 1. If your medium story requires 3 times more effort, then it should be 3. If your big story requires 10 times the effort, it should be 10. These numbers will depend on the type of stories your team normally works on, so your baseline story numbers might look different to these.

The important thing is that you’ll be able to use these baseline stories to estimate all your future stories by comparing the relative amount of effort involved.

Over time, you and your team will find estimating user stories becomes easier as your shared understanding of the work develops. This is where story points become most valuable, helping your team align expectations and plan more effectively.

Make estimation easier

An app for Jira like Easy Agile TeamRhythm makes it easy to see team commitment for each sprint or version, with estimate totals on each swimlane.

Using the Fibonacci sequence for story point estimation

Some teams use the Fibonacci sequence (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, etc.) for their story point estimates, rather than staying linear or allowing teams to use any number (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, etc.).

This has its benefits. For example, if you're looking at a story and trying to estimate whether it's a 5, 8, or 13, it's much quicker and easier to come up with an answer than trying to land on the right number between, say, 4-15. You'll likely reach a consensus much more quickly.

This also means you won't be able to average the team's story points to finalize the estimation. Instead, you'll need to discuss the work and decide on the best estimate from a limited set of options.

But it does limit your options - if you have a story that’s more effort than 34, but less than 55, your estimate might be less accurate.

Using story points to estimate velocity

After some time working together most teams will have a good idea about how much effort is involved in each story point.

Of course, timing isn't exact - there's a bell curve, and story points are designed to be an estimate of effort, not time.

But story points (and knowing their approximate timing) can be useful when it comes to figuring out how much your team can get done each sprint.

You should be able to estimate about as many story points your team can manage during a two-week sprint, or whatever timeframe you’re working to.

For example, if your team can usually get through 3 story points per day, this might add up to 30 story points across a two-week sprint. This is your velocity.

Velocity is useful for user story mapping and sprint planning. When mapping your user stories to sprints or versions, you can check the total story points and make sure it matches up with your velocity so you’re not over- or under-committed.

As you can see there are a few different methods for estimating work. The best advice is to be conservative and not overload the team.

Over time, your estimations should become more accurate.

Using Story Points in Scrum, Kanban, and Extreme Programming

Story points are central to estimation and planning processes in many agile methodologies. Scrum and Extreme Programming (XP) rely heavily on story points to gauge the effort and complexity of user stories.

Scrum teams use story points during sprint planning to decide which tasks to include in the upcoming sprint, encouraging discussion that leads to shared context and understanding of the work.

Extreme Programming on the other hand, uses story points to assess the size of features, enabling teams to prioritize and allocate resources effectively. Teams using Kanban can benefit from story points by using them to set work-in-progress limits and optimize the flow of tasks across the board.

While the specific practices may differ, story points can help encourage team collaboration and a more predictable flow of work.

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