Sprint Planning

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    How to use story points for agile estimation

    What are story points for agile and how do you estimate them? Learn everything you need to know about story point estimation for agile teams.

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    The Problem with Agile Estimation

    Estimation is a common challenge for agile software development teams. Story points have become the go-to measure to estimate the effort, and are often used to gauge performance. But what are the risks of relying too heavily on velocity as a guide?

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    Agile Ceremonies: Your Ultimate Guide To the Four Stages

    Agile ceremonies are a framework for productive teamwork in product development. To do them well, you need to understand the methodology behind each step.

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    How to Make the Most of Your Sprint Goals

    To set a realistic sprint goal, set a clear definition of done and a clear understanding of why the goal matters. Keep these three other tips in mind.

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    The Ultimate Agile Sprint Planning Guide [2023]

    Agile sprint planning sets up the success of each sprint. A great sprint planning session involves prioritizing backlog items and identifying your team capacity.

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    How to Play Planning Poker and Involve the Whole Team in Estimates

    Planning poker drives team collaboration, whether team members are local or remote. Plus, it’s a fun, simple way to accurately plan your sprints.

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    How to Get the Most From the 4 Key Agile Meetings

    Agile meetings get everyone on the same page for an agile sprint or Scrum. To make them effective, keep empowering all voices and incorporating feedback.

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    9 Tips to Help You Ace Your Sprint Planning Meetings

    Sprint planning meetings are a key part of the Scrum process. Follow these six tips to make sure this meeting prepares your team well for each sprint.

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    Become a Successful Scrum Master With These 6 Tips

    A great Scrum Master is a skilled communicator who knows their team well and encourages continuous feedback. Here’s how to successfully lead your Scrum team.

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    How To Handle Sprint Planning Meetings Like a Pro

    Thoughtful Sprint Planning meetings are key to a project’s success. At this 1-2 hour event, the Scrum team discusses the components of an upcoming sprint.

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    Sprint Backlog 101: Never Stop Refining

    A sprint backlog should be continually updated to reflect market changes and customer needs. Here’s how sprint backlogs and their updates fit into agile teams.

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    How To Avoid These 5 Agile Planning Mistakes

    Agile planning not only helps the team and stakeholders understand the upcoming project. It’s an ongoing process that adapts to changes as they occur.

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