

by Easy Agile

  • Podcast

    Easy Agile Podcast Ep.11 Dave Elkan & Nick Muldoon on building Easy Agile

    Easy Agile Podcast Ep.11 Dave Elkan & Nick Muldoon on building Easy Agile

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  • Agile workflow

    How to Complete the Value Stream Mapping Process

    Value stream mapping improves customer experience and team productivity by removing bottlenecks and the six steps to a successful value stream map.

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  • Agile workflow

    7 Lean Methodology Benefits for Development Teams

    The lean methodology is about reducing waste and improving efficiency to maximize consistent customer value. Here are seven ways it can help your business.

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  • Agile workflow

    The State of Atlassian Report by Adaptivist (a summary)

    A couple of weeks ago, our partner Adaptavist released their State of the Atlassian Ecosystem Report which surveyed approximately 1,000 users of Atlassian tools and services. After reading the 50+ page document, I decided that the reports' insights were extremely valuable and worth sharing.

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  • Agile workflow

    How SAFe Agile Increases Enterprise Performance

    While agile methodology is great for small teams and start-ups, SAFe agile helps you apply these ideas in a large organization. Here’s how it works.

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  • Agile workflow

    How Lean Principles Support Productivity and Performance

    Lean principles focus on reducing waste and delivering value to the user. To do this, you’ll need to use value stream mapping and improve your workflows.

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  • Agile best practice

    7 Product Management Software Tools to Streamline Development

    These seven product management software tools can improve team communication and collaboration. They’ll make your workflows more efficient.

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  • Agile workflow

    The Ultimate Agile Sprint Planning Guide [2023]

    Agile sprint planning sets up the success of each sprint. A great sprint planning session involves prioritizing backlog items and identifying your team capacity.

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  • Jira

    Jira Workflow: Examples of How This Automation Helps Streamline Your Projects

    Between these four Jira workflow examples (standard, new, customized, and opportunity backlog), there’s an option that fits your team’s process.

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  • Agile workflow

    What Is a Scrum Master, and How Do You Become One?

    Sure, a Scrum Master is important. But what is a scrum master? They guide the Scrum team, help them align with agile methodologies, and help implement change.

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  • Agile best practice

    Don’t Make These 5 PI Planning Mistakes

    PI planning is a key gathering for team preparation. Keep these sessions fun. But make sure to prioritize them and plan them well in advance.

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  • Agile workflow

    Scrum Workflow: Roles, Stages, and Automation Options

    During a Scrum workflow, the team moves smoothly through stages of product development and constantly evaluates what changes need to be made.

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